A personal loan can be viewed as the spring board to all your hopes and dreams. It is that leap that you need, the one that propels you toward your brighter future. With a personal loan you can start that business that you’ve always dreamed of owning, you can produce your down payment for your dream house, you can pay for your dream wedding and lobola.With our intricate process of financial assistance you can rest in knowing that we will be there for you when you need a financial boost to reach your dreams or settle the dust with all your debt obligations.

With Easy Cash Loans you can get a personal loan of up to R50 000 with a repayment period of 10 to 20 months. We also offer our clients a personal loan of up to R100 000 with a repayment period of up to 20 to 40 months, you can also apply for a loan of up to R 150 000 with a repayment period of 40 to 60 months and that’s not all; should you wish to apply for a larger loan; you can and it comes with a repayment period of up to 60 months or more. In order to qualify for a loan you will need to provide the following:

  • South African ID.
  • 3 Months Bank Statement.
  • Proof of Residence.
  • Recent payslip.
  • Be 18 years of age and above.
  • Be permanently employed at the same place for more than 3 months.

At Easy Cash loans we not only provide our clients with large amounts of personal loans but we also have a network of financial providers that offer short term loans for when you need cash quickly to attend to an emergency. The difference between a short term loan and a long term loan is that the payment periods are longer for a larger amount of money borrowed and the payment period for a short term loan is just that; short and the amount of the loan is usually very small.

According to your unique personal needs; you can choose which loan suits you best and the amount thereof. If you need to get your fridge fixed then by all means go for a short term loan instead of a large long term loan. Always know your goal and apply for a loan knowing very well how you will utilize the money and look into your affordability to see if the payment period will be feasible for you.
easy cash loans
Our online platform has a vast network of credit providers that are there to meet your different needs and requirements. Your application will go to a number of credit houses and we will make sure that you have the best credit provider tailored to you specific needs. You can expect to typically get a response from us within 24 hours. We have been in business for more than 3 years and in those three years we have managed to process 60 000 applications annually worth over more than 4 billion Rand. You are in good hands with Easy Cash Loans. Place your inquiry today.

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