FinChoice offers loans that are easy to understand. No need to be an advance scholar to interpret the fine print. The loans are straightforward. When you urgently need a loan you do not have time to go through confusing terms and conditions bullet points. You just need a loan and not a lecture on how the credit and financial markets operate in South Africa. Getting a personal loan or any type of loan should not be complicated. FinChoice knows this and offers affordability and competitive interest rates. Flexi loan is one credit solution that has grown in popularity and it is on offer.
About – Finchoice loans
FinChoice is a credit provider and conducts its loan operations though online services. It is located in of Cape Town, South Africa. FinChoice is part of Home Choice group which caters for customers in want of loans or need a funeral policy. Maximum loan offer by FinChoice goes up to R30 000 with 12 to 36 months repayment time frame.
FinChoice has a variety of services. You can choose which one best suits you.
FinChoice KwikAdvance
This is a payday loan and it goes up to R2 500. When you qualify for this loan, the money will be deposited into your bank account. You will have to settle the loan on your next pay day or sooner if you so wish.
FinChoice Flexi Loan
Flexi Loan is a short term personal loan which can be paid back in about 6 months. The monetary amount of the loan can reach up to R8 000. It is perfect for small things like a medical emergency.
Get a Cash Loan up to R150k
Apply for a personal loan up to R150 000 in just 3 easy steps.
FinChoice Premier Loan
A premier loan is a long term loan and it can reach up to R30 000. The repayments are offer flexibility. The term period can be up to 36 months. If you settle the loan before the time period, you will automatically qualify for another one. Loan that is paid and settled in 14 days will have no interest added to it. This is a great benefit for the customer.
FinChoice has a personal protection plan. It is designed to cover you when you have no power or capacity to settle the loan due to death, disability or retrenchment.
Another product on offer is a funeral cover of up to R50 000. It covers up p to 7 people from R69. With this policy you will get a 24/7 self-service. This allows you to manage your account.
Application – Here’s how you can apply for FinChoice loans
Applying for a finchoice loan is not complicated. All applications are done online. You will need to have the following documents for your application.
- A South African Identity Document (I.D) book or card.
- Banking details
- Bank statements
- Work documentation
How do i check my Finchoice balance
Every three months, you will get a loan statement via email. If you want to read a small statement or check your balance, go to, phone KwikServe at *130*1048#, or call our call center at 0861 346 246.
FinChoice contact details
Application site:
Phone Contacts: 0861 346 246.
For more information you can call them and a consultant will speak to you. Alternatively you can visit the website.
You can use our loan calculator or apply for a loan.