A credit card comes with so many rewards and benefits and on top of that it comes with convenience. You can shop with it from the comfort of your own home or you can go directly to the retail stores and have your way in the store with your credit card that accepted in numerous stores across the country. You will have the freedom to shop at any time you want and at any place you like all the while making shopping an experience and not a burden. Easy, quick and user friendly is what everyone living in the 21st century is looking for and with a Gold Credit Card from African Bank you can rest assured that you have just that.
The six pillars of the African Bank Gold Credit Card are as follows:
- 3% Interest Back: The bank will reward you with 3% interest per annum on a positive balance when you settle your payments timeously.
- 60 Days Interest Free: The bank will give you a benefit of no interest when you budget correctly in order to pay your credit card in full.
- Free Swipes: Use your credit card to pay for any purchase at any till point across the country.
- Online Shopping: You can use the credit card to shop securely on line in the privacy of your home or office.
- Banking on the Move: Get free online transactions with the Gold Credit Card.
- Easy Payments: Pay the way you want to pay with options such as online, phone, debit order, EFT or Easy Pay.
African Bank Gold Credit Card Benefits
- Card issuing is immediate inside a branch.
- Get free SMS updates for every transaction that you make.
- Swipe and forget about the worries of carrying cash.
- The Gold Credit card is accepted by thousands of stores where with the VISA logo.
- If you lose your card simply notify the bank and your account will be blocked and the bank can even send you emergency cash wherever in the world you are and you can also get your replacement card.
- You can get free access to medical and legal advice as an added bonus.
- You have access to credit life insurance.
There are other benefits that you will experience with the Gold Credit Card which will be for free online and free for mobile services:
- Update on your available balance.
- Make your credit card payment online.
- Access to your statement.
- Obtain a paid up letter.
- Obtain a settlement quote.
- Obtain a tax certificate.
- Stop your card with the steps provided.
- Reactivate your stopped card with the steps provided.
- View or change your limits with the steps provided.
With credit life insurance your debt will be covered under these circumstances:
- Temporary Lay-off.
- Compulsory unpaid leave.
- Temporary Disability.
- Permanent Disability.
Know your account fees:
Monthly Service Fee: R69
Card Replacement Fee: R115
Funds Transfer Fee: R5.55
The documents that you will need to apply for the African Bank Gold Credit Card:
- South African ID
- Proof of residence
- Recent Payslip
- 3 months bank statement
- Be 18 years of age or older
- Be permanently employed by the same employer for 3 months or more
- Have a South African bank account