Albatross Money is perfect for you if you have been looking for quick loans with approvals within 24 hours. When you need money fast you know that you don’t have time for endless searches online.


Albatross Money is a cash loans registered credit provider. The vision is to provide loans with easy accessibility. Numbers of times people complain that conventional credit lenders reject them, if this is you, have confidence that chances are very high that you will be approved. The rate of approval is high and what is vital is confirmation that you work and earn enough money to pay the loan in time. You need not struggle again with loan application rejections.


Albatross Money offers credit loan of from R500 to R5 000 as pay day loans or short term loans. You can request a payday loan for basic emergencies, to close all financial leaks in you may have. Basic needs such as a paying for transport due to a family gathering in another province. Payday loans are payable by the end of the month. The interest is very competitive. Option number two is a short term loan; it’s useful for things like paying university registration, settling term school fees or buying laptop. Interest rates attached to the loan is very competitive and its payable in 6 months.


  • Interest Rates are competitive.
  • Loans are small enough to be paid off easily.
  • Professional staff willing to help with your loan application.
  • Albatross Money is a Registered credit provider with the NCR.


To qualify for the loan with Albatross Money you must be 18 years and older. Its essential that you are full time employed and earning an amount that is well within the bracket of your loan request. To apply is simple, you must produce the following documents:

  • Have 3 months’ pay slips
  • A South African ID book or card
  • Proof of residence (utility bill) 3 months old or less.
  • Produce an active bank account statement not older than 3 months
  • A working cellphone number

Your loan will be processed quickly, because when you need emergency cash its imperative you have it the same day. When approved you will be contacted and the money transferred to your bank account. Loan payback is done through a debit order. You will choose which day the order should come in. It’s always best to loan cash for a solid purpose. It’s not advised to get a loan to finance things that are of no value and later regret it. Promotion of good lending is the way forward for any credit consumer.


For more details on how to obtain a loan from Albatross Money you can call during office hours from 09h00 to 17h00. The consultants will help you with any questions you have. You can also visit at the website with your documents for loan application. It’s fast to obtain a loan and you won’t have to wait a long time before you get cash in your bank.


Telephone Number 011 823 1068

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