Are you trapped in circumstances and the only way out is through a quick loan? Do you need a loan sooner than tomorrow? Things can happen that are beyond your control, its normal. You are not the first one who is in a financial crisis and you are certainly not the last. You may be sick and need to see a doctor but lack the funds or you may just need cash to see you through till the month ends. In such situations you need a loan that will answer your problems.

About Mawela Wela Cash Loans

Mawela Wela Cash Loans is a micro-sized credit provider. The function of the lender is loan out cash fast and it will not take a long process. The staff is well skilled to help you get the loan you need. There are no headaches once you have the loan.

Services offered by Mawela Wela Cash Loans
You can secure an easy loan with Mawela Wela. Short term loans are the kind that are best used for small things like paying for utility bill, paying for rent, paying for medical or hospital costs. You can borrow as per need. The interest rates are affordable. Repayment terms are made to suit you. This means you will not suffocate in debt trying to pay back the loan.


  • Easy loans, Short term loans
  • Easy and affordable repayments
  • Competitive interest rates based on National Credit Act

All applicants for the loan are vetted and the amount is in balance with your wages and salary. To obtain the loan your age has to be 18 and older. An important criteria is work, you must be working and your salary will determine how much you will get. For a successful application you will need the following documentation:

  • A South African Identity Document book or card.
  • Bank account where you get your salary transferred every month.
  • Pay slips that are not more than 3 months old
  • Show proof of residential address
  • A working cellphone number where you can be contacted.

Credit qualification processes will be done to your application. Even if you have bad credit but working and are able to pay off the loan you can apply.

Mawela Wela values information security, your details will not be passed to any agency. Once all information has been verified and you qualify, your loan will be forwarded to you. There are no extra hidden fees. All costs will be disclosed to you when you apply and the amount you should pay at the end of the month.

Getting cash loans does not have to be hard. By any means avoid going to loan sharks that will charge you more than 50 to 70% on interest. Going to a reputable loans provider that cares about its customers is the perfect way to obtain credit. Mawela Cash Loans structured its interest rates around the National Credit Act.
For more information you can make contact with Mawela Cash Loans and a friendly consultant will attend to you on the process of obtaining a loan.

Mawela Wela Cash Loans Contact details
Phone number: 013 752 2062
You can use our finance calculator or apply for a loan.

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