When you need a loan, you do not need debt traps, hustles, hidden fees and difficulties to understand clauses with strings attached. South Africans are tired of loan sharks. The National Credit Regulator has limited the power of loan sharks so that ordinary South Africans can have trust in the financial industry once again. It’s a nightmare to owe money and have to get into debt to repay it. Being stuck in a circle of debt does not move you forward or the nation. You won’t “Phumelela” succeed.

About Phumelela Cash Loans

Phumelela Cash Loans are a micro credit provider specializing in addressing the financial needs of the credit consumer who is squeezed. The ambition of the credit provider is to see you succeed with your financial wellness. The credit is provided to cover and patch up bad moments that come up during the month. Even cover non-emergency situations like your child turning 21 and you want to celebrate in a memorable way but don’t have the means now.

Cash loans that are designed to be affordable and accessible is the focus of the credit provider. Small personal loans and quick credit are the services on offer. You also will have interest rates that you can cope with. The repayments are made in such a way you can settle the loan without requesting another credit.


  • Loan affordability
  • Repayments flexible and easy
  • Interests rate amount you can cope with

Phumelela Cash Loans Application

Every person who applies for a loan has to go through vetting. You need to have documentation that will help you obtain the loan. You must not be migrating. The following you will have to produce:

  • Bank Statement – salary deposit is made
  • A South African Identity Document book or card
  • Provide proof of residential address not older than 3 months
  • Produce pay slips not older than 3 months

Every loan is checked for affordability. You will not be given a debt trap as a loan. Another requirement you must meet is your age. You must be 18 years old and above and working.;

When the loan request is done and you qualify. Your cash will be transferred to your bank account as soon as possible. Do make sure to pay off the loan within the agreed term. Omission will result in interest being added to the existing loan.  As stated before, Phumelela Cash Loans wants to see you successful. Sometimes in life success means seeing your children going to school, this mean good schools and you get cash to pay school fees and see your children move on up. It may also be that you just need cash for yourself just to engage in a financial emergency that needs monetary attention.

For more information you can make call Phumelela Cash Loans between 9 am to 5 pm. You can ask them the loan amounts and different structures of repayments and one of their consultants will deal with you in a professional manner.

Phumelela Cash Loans Contacts

Phone number:012 329 6316
Fax: 012 329 6713
Address: 280 Voortrekker Rd, Gezina, Gauteng, 0084, South Africa
City of Pretoria
You can use our finance calculator or apply for a loan.

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