Need Cash Loans offer you quick loans with can be immediately placed in your hands. Doors close when you have bad credit. However at Need Cash loans you have options.

About Need Cash Loans

Need Cash Loans is a credit provider that looks at every application in detail. Not everyone can get loans, time can be consumed when you go from one loan provider to another but get same results. The advantage of looking at applicants individually is that yours can reflect that you work but your creditworthiness is negative. If you are employed, the success of your application will be high.

Need Cash Loans Services

Need Cash Loans is a credit provider that is resisted with the National Credit Regulator. Loans on offer are bad credit loans, personal loans and payday loans. A bad credit loan is perfect for you when you have negative credit history but employed and can pay off the loan. The amount starts at R500 up to R5 000. The repayment of installment is up to 6 months. The second option is personal loans. It starts from R1000 and reach R10 000. Peer-to-peer method is used as a platform on the website. Lenders and borrowers are connected for terms and contracts for loans. The benefit of this method is that you have a variety of lenders available to you. The interest rates differ for each loan provider. All peer-to-peer lenders are registered with the NCA and interest is charged based on the National Credit Act. The third option you have is payday loans. Cash loan is from R500 and reaches R4 000. The use of this type of loan is best employed for emergencies that come during the month unexpectedly. You can request a loan to cover you through the remaining days of the month. When your salary is paid, you settle the payday loan. Interest rates are competitive.


  • All lenders are registered with the National Credit Regulator.
  • Simple and fast application processing.
  • Loan will be in your hand the same day of application.
  • Interest rates are affordable.
  • Peer-to-peer lending saves time and money.


Applications are done on the website through filling in an online application form. All documents for the application are checked before approved. If you have bad credit but are working you can request a loan. To qualify for personal loan, you need to meet the following requirement criteria:

  • You need to be a South African citizen.
  • Produce a South African Identity Document (book or card).
  • You must be aged between 18 and 60 years old.
  • Have a working cellphone number.
  • Provide proof of residential address.
  • Banking statement where you get your salary transferred to is needed.

When successful the loan will be transferred to you in about 72 hours. The repayments are done through debit orders.

Contact Need Cash Loans

For more information on Need Cash Loans you can visit the website. Send an email and expect a response within working hours from one of the consultants. The application is simple and easy to follow on the site

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