No Credit Check Loans is for you when you know you have been blacklisted or have credit record that is shaky. You don’t have to be limited to credit rejections by well-known lending institutions.

About No Credit Check Loans

No Credit Check Loans is well positioned as a resisted credit provider. Are you afraid of getting a loan because you know that you will be rejected? At No Credit Check Loans will look at your applications for the purpose of lending you cash and not limit you. The only requirement that is needed is that you should be working full time and be able to pay back the debt within the agreed term. Most people that can’t get credit resort to loan sharks. This is the most dangerous thing you can do. The interest rates they charged are not regulated and they are not registered with the National Credit Regulator.

No Credit Check Loans Services

No Credit Check Loans has a process in place that allows credit consumers get cash without being vetted. Small loans are on offer, the starting point is R500 to R5 000. The interest rates are competitive and represent the charge based on the National Credit Act. The repayment is from 1 to 3 months. Another offer is a payday loan. It lasts for 30 days as you have to settle it within this time period. The interest rate is also governed by the NCA. The amount is from R500 and up to R5 000. Being a credit active consumer can lead to being blacklisted when you lose your job or having to take a pay cut. When that happens you are deemed irresponsible credit consumer as you can’t pay. However circumstances that are not within your control can happen and limit you from paying debts. So if you are working and earning enough you can get a loan with No Credit Check Loans.


  • Loans for blacklisted and negative credit profiles.
  • Registered with the National Credit Regulator.
  • Interest rates are priced at an affordable rate.
  • Flexible terms on time period installment for loan.


Online application is how you get the loan. You need to have documentation that will position you to have the loan immediately. Working and having at least R3 000 per month is a must. Your age must be 18 years and older. Loans are open for all South African citizens and must be living in the country. You need following documentation:

  • A South African Identity Document book or card.
  • Pay slips not older than 2 months.
  • Bank account not older than 3 months.
  • Produce residential address.
  • A working cellphone number for contact.

As stated, the applications are not checked for creditworthiness and credit history. When you have proved that you can pay back the loan in time you will be contacted. The cash will be put into your bank account in hours.

Contact No Credit Check Loans

If you need more information on loan application. Also on interest rates or repayment of personal loan you can contact No Credit Check Loans on their website and expect a reply during office hours.

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