Looking for a loan can be such a tedious process. You have to miraculously find time out of your very busy schedule to go stand in long queues from bank to bank hoping that you can find a loan that will best suit your needs. All the paperwork that leaves you with a throbbing headache only to have to wait for another hour before everything can be processed. Well that doesn’t have to be your experience with the assistance of Bruma Finance! The respected company has made it its mission to understand your need for convenience and the utmost professional service that you deserve.

About Bruma Finance loans

Bruma Finance has been in the financial industry for more than 20 years and in that 20 years they have made it their purpose to give South African’s financial solutions that are best suited to their specific financial needs. The company celebrates the fact that their clients are the heart of the business by putting them first and ensuring that they carry out their services with integrity and honesty. The company extends its central belief across all departments. The call centre is professional and will guide you directly to the solution that you seek when looking at taking out a loan.

You can get a personal loan from Bruma Finance for anything that you may need. If you are looking at buying a swede coach with leather detailing then you can absolutely do that, if you are looking at renovating your kitchen to give it that modern and chic look you can go ahead and start looking for that interior designer or maybe you just want to make it to the end of the month with a little financial boost? Whatever your needs may be you can find a great solution to meet them with this great company.

bruma finance loans onlineYou can get a personal loan from R1 000 to R15 000 with a payment term of 6 to 18 months. From the amount that you take out is what the payment term will be based on. You can also opt for the consolidation loan that will take care of all of your debts and leave you paying them back in one instalment on a month to month basis. All you need to do is apply for a loan and once it has been submitted to the company you will get a response on the same day.

Bruma Finance loans products and services

  • Personal Loans.
  • Consolidation Loans.

Bruma Finance loans benefits

  • Same day response.
  • Quick and easy online application.
  • Get a loan from R1 000 to R15 000.

Remember that in order to apply for a loan with Bruma Finance you will have to provide the following information:

  • South African ID.
  • Recent Payslip.
  • 3 months bank statement.
  • Proof of residence.
  • Be 18 years of age or above.
  • Be employed by the same employer for six months or more.

This is a great company to get that little extra cash to take care of all of your financial obligations, build a great credit score or simply indulge a little if that’s what you want to do then you can do so with a loan from Bruma Finance. Apply today and get that financial alleviation that you need.

Bruma Finance loans contact details

26 Girton Road
Parktown, Johannesburg,
South Africa 2193
PO Box 258, Melrose Arch,
South Africa 2076
0861 33 11 33
+27 (0) 87 943 1700

bruma finance loans

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