Low Budget Loans is a micro lender. It specializes in small budget loans that are simple to obtain and easy to service. Small loans are great because they do not come with a gut ranching feeling when you take them. They can be paid back very easily. They are light weight and are best used to take you through a small inconvenience.

In 2004 a group of bank managers got together and established Low Budget Loans. The core essence of this new project was to give the South African public a place they can go to when they need a small loan with no strings attached. Low Budget loans have grown and with experience it has created loan structure that is suitable for the South African pocket of the working class.

About – Low Budget Loans

Low Budget Loans is a credit provider and offers affordable personal loans  that will fit perfectly into your lifestyle when a small financial mishap comes up.  As a credit provider, Low Budget Loans has perfected the processing of loans. The nation has given praise to the way customers are treated and the good quality service on offer. You can read about read reviews on Hello Peter.

Low Budget has one of the lowest interest rates in the industry and the repayment is very flexible. Giving you power over the loan repayment. If you wish, you can have a 6 month period of loan repayment.

For a large loan you will be paying R660 every month for the next 6 months.

Use the Low Budget loans calculator  to see the different repayments terms on offer and how much you will pay back the loan in total. This will give you an idea of affordability and where you stand.

Low Budget Loans services and benefits

  • Personal Loans
  • Flexible repayments
  • Registered with the National Credit Regulator

low budget loans
Application – How to do it?

Low Budget does online applications. The process is simple and the site is designed with customers in mind. Visit the website and start the application.  You can use telephone as another method of application.

For both methods of you will need the following:

  • A South African Identity Document (I.D) book or card
  • Banking details
  • Bank statement that goes back 3 month from the present date
  • Must have work documentation

All personal information is dealt with confidentiality. Low Budget will then go through the credit score and see where you fair. All applications must be checked and verification is the process that gives a clear indication on affordability for loan repayments. The procedure is quick and it does not take a day.

Once you qualify for the loan, you will be contacted.  The money will be transferred to your account within 24 hours. You can use this money to patch whatever needs you are facing.
low budget loans

Low Budget Loans contacts details

Website: www.lowbudgetloans.co.za
Phone Number086 107 3072
Address: Lombardy Business Park unit 24, Graham and c/o Graham and Cole Road, Cole Rd, Shere AH, National – Any where in South Africa, 0081
For more information about Low Budget Loans you can call and a trained consultant will help you with any details you seek clarity on.
Otherwise you can visit the website for more information or request a consultant to contact you.
You can use our loan calculator or apply for a loan.

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