A loan should never be a scary thought but rather it should be a viable option to alleviate you of financial stress and frustration. When taking out a loan it is important to know how much you can afford to take out according to the payment period agreement so that you know exactly how to budget for the month. Responsible borrowing is very important when taking out a loan so that you build a healthy credit score and to ensure that you are financially stable. With Money and Finance you can get a loan to assist you with any financial difficulty or financial opportunity that you may be looking for.

About Money and Finance

Money and Finance is an online almanac that provides financial products and services. The online platform has a network of financial providers and credit houses that have established themselves as great financial providers in their own right. The company was established to ensure that the people of South Africa have an easy platform to access different types of loans. Instead of going from bank to bank or loan provider to loan provider; you can simply use their online platform that will direct your loan application to a number of credit providers. With this great avenue you can skip the bank queues and save your much needed time.

Living in South Africa has been quite difficult for the average citizen and as such more and more people are finding it difficult to make ends meet. In order to combat the situation; the company invested their time and effort into giving South Africans convenience, professionalism and a diverse portfolio of loan services available to them for their individual needs. Not only will you as the client have access to their network of loan providers but you can also enjoy the financial reviews on financial providers and tips on the type of loan that will suit you best.


  • SA home loans
  • Instaloan
  • Express finance payday loans
  • King cash loans
  • Pension loan

The company provides these credit houses for you to access through their online platform. With these different credit houses you can apply for a long term loan or you can apply for a short term loan. If you need to renovate your kitchen, go overseas for that overdue exotic trip or finally take out a mortgage for your first home then you can take out a long term loan which consists of a large sum of money that is payable in a period that is longer than 12 months. If you simply want to make it through the month or maybe you want to fix something in the house; then you can apply for a short term loan which usually consists of a small to medium sum of money and is payable in 12 months or less.


  • Quick and easy online application
  • A wealth of information on finances
  • Access to multiple credit houses
  • Different types of loans available to you

Remember that in order to qualify for a loan you must provide the following information:

  • South African ID
  • Proof of residence
  • Recent payslip
  • 3 months bank statement
  • Be employed by the same employer for 3 months or more
  • Be 18 years of age or above

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