Wanna Loan is micro lender. It has a group of well-seasoned personnel working for it. You can be sure of professional services. Providing credit and payday loans is what Wanna-loan concentrates on. You can get up to R3 000 of loans and the interest rate is rather low.

About – Wanna Loan

Wanna Loan provides short term loans. Most people do not have enough savings. When troubled times hit, there is no cash in the bank. Wanna-loan will gives financial assistance in such times. You can get up you R3 000 and you can pay it back on the next pay day or within 37 days. Please note that this is the time period. Interest will be added to the loan when payments fail.

Wanna loan provides salary based Payday loan . Such a loan is a moderate amount of cash that usually has high interest rates. The loan is expected to be paid off on the next salary day.

Once you have made a loan application. It will be vetted and when you qualify, the money will be transfers to your bank account immediately. Blacklisted people can apply for the loan. Wanna loan as a credit provider knows that even blacklisted individuals do face financial crisis, and you will be checked if you qualify.

Blacklisted does not necessarily mean bad credit payer. Every situation is different. At Wanna-loan this is taken into account. Loans can be provided to people who have the capacity to pay back the loan. The rules that govern the industry are part of the operation and carried out when loans are applied. Wanna-loan is accredited by the National Credit Regulator and follows the prescribed standards. The loan you qualify for is what you will get approved on.  This is done to keep the financial health of the customer is check and not over supply loans that end up as bad debts.

Check out Wanna loan reviews on Hello Peter.

Services and Benefits

  • Payday loans
  • Blacklisted people can apply
  • Competitive interest rates
  • Payable within 37 days

Application – Here’s how to apply for Wanna Loan

Loan applications are done through the website. It is easy to use. The site has a loan calculator, with it you can add up the sums and see how you fair. The Wanna Loan website, has sliders. Use the slider to apply for the loan. You have the option of the amount you want. Type it in and the number of days you will be able to pay back the loan.

Provide information about yourself, and then send through the online application.

Application details.

You will need to have the following on hand with you.

  • South African Identity Document book or card
  • Banking details
  • Residential address
  • Work documentation
  • Cellphone number

Once you have submitted the application. You will be contacted by one of the consultants. When the loan is approved loan transaction will be deposited at your bank. The application is usually done in a short space of time.


Wanna Loan Contact Details

Website :  www.wannaloan.co.za
Phone number : 0861-189-200
For help on the getting the loan or application you can call and a consultant will be there to answer your questions. Alternatively you can visit the website and get more information.
You can use our loan calculator or apply for a loan.

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