Getting a credit card can be a very good idea because you can do so much on it. You can shop here, there and everywhere making your life that much easier and making sure that you get what you need when you need it and both time and frustration will be at bay. With so many banks and other financial institutions offering different types of credit cards; it may be a bit daunting to make a choice of getting a credit card after all you want to make sure that you’ll be getting great innovative service and peace of mind when using the credit card. Capitec offers you just that; a credit card that will take care of all your banking practices.

Capitec Credit Card Benefits

  • Access all your accounts with the credit card.
  • Your credit will be personalised according to your own specific profile and affordability.
  • Get a credit limit of up to R150 000.
  • You can relax knowing that you have secure online purchases with Mastercard® SecureCode™
  • Cashless payments with zero fees worldwide at Mastercard machines, online, mail and telephone orders.
  • For international payments you can enjoy zero currency conversion fees.
  • You can manage your credit card on the Capitec App.

You can sign up for credit insurance if you do not have your own credit. You can also enjoy free travel insurance whenever you travel overseas. There a lot of things that you can do on the App that will help you manage your credit card and everything that it does. Through the App you can update your daily card limits when withdrawing or purchasing from the card online or in store. A cool and nifty trick that you can on the App is o transfer your outstanding balance to the budget payment option. The App will give you instantaneous statements of your limits and transactional history. You can also create, view and pay your budget balance.

When applying for a credit card from Capitec bank it is important that you provide the following documentation:

  • South African ID
  • Recent payslip
  • Proof of residence
  • Be 18 years of age or above
  • Be permanently employed by the same employer for 3 months or more
  • 3 months bank statement
  • Be in possession of a South African bank account

Here is a breakdown of the rates and taxes:

  • R100 for the initiation fee
  • R35 for the monthly fee
  • 9% to 20.5% is the interest which will be compiled from your credit profile

You can cover can get great cover from Capitec bank as a further extension of their offering and it is known as Chargeback protection. What it essentially does is covers you when a purchase was made from your credit card and an unfortunate dispute arose between you and the merchant and could not be resolved such as:

  • The company that you bought certain goods from went into liquidation.
  • The goods that you purchased were deficient.
  • You did not receive the packaging and the goods as promised.
  • The bank made an error in the processing process.
  • The company charges you many times with the incorrect amount.
  • Being the victim of fraud.

You can also get lost card protection should you lose your card. Remember to report the card as lost or stolen as soon as possible.

With all these amazing benefits it only makes sense to choose Capitec to be your credit card supplier. Call them today!


Tel: 0860 10 20 43


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