Welcome to the place where you can be granted for a personal loan even though you have a low credit score. Bad credit does not frighten Global Finance. They are a financial service provider that focuses on availing finance to those who have been blacklisted and struggle to find a loan approval with the traditional banks. Global finance does not discriminate against people who have a low credit score; in fact their aim is to make sure that you are afforded the chance to rebuild your credit record and get back on your feet once more. Once you log on to the Global Finance website, you can freely request for a non-obligation quote and you can have it sent to you in minutes.

Global Finance is affiliated with a network of credit providers across the country. When you fill out your application and submit it; it will go to a number of credit providers who will respond to you within 24 hours and you will have the opportunity to choose the one that best suits your financial needs and situation. Global finance provides their clients with unsecured bad credit loans. An unsecured loan is best option for those who have been blacklisted because it requires no surety such as a house or a car as collateral offering. When you are blacklisted; the last thing you want to do is put your lively hood at risk by offering fundamental equity as collateral.

You can apply for a Pay Day loan through Global finance so if you are in desperate need of a little extra cash you can get it immediately and only pay it back on your next pay day. You can also apply for a consolidation loan through Global finance which is a great option for settling debt when you have a lot of debt from a lot of different credit houses who keep calling you non-stop to pay the outstanding amount; keeping up with so many of them can be at times impossible which only makes matters worse. With a consolidation loan from Global finance you can consolidate all your credit under one roof which means you’ll be paying back one account on a monthly basis and the plus side is that the interest rates will be lower.

With Global Finance you can get a loan of up to R100 000. How you use the money is completely up to you. So let’s just recap; with Global finance you can get the following:

  • A personal loan.
  • A Pay Day Loan.
  • A short term loan.
  • A cash loan.

They are all unsecured loans. The benefits that you can get from Global Finance are:

  • Lowest rates.
  • Qualify for any amount of up to R100 000.
  • Repayments of up to 60 months.
  • No surety needed.
  • No annual fees to be paid.
  • You can apply online.
  • Funds will be deposited directly into your bank account.
  • Use the money as you wish.

Remember that in order to apply for a loan you must provide the following:

  • A South African ID.
  • Recent payslip.
  • 3 Months bank statement.
  • Have a disposable income of R1 500 and above.
  • Be 20 years of age and above.

Be permanently employed at the same place for more than 3 months.

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