Loan4debt is there when income is no more in your pocket or bank account. Driving force of life is money and it can be challenging when it’s not there.


Loan4debt is a registered credit provider that is well versed in a wide spectrum of financial products. The truth of life is that working does not erase all your money problems. Every month you can be ready for costs, however there are hidden and unannounced cost the can happen. These emergencies can take away the salary and bring it to zero very fast. A stove can break, a fridge can stop working, a flu bug may mean you need to visit a private hospital. All these unforeseen things can be costly.


Loan4debt specializes in personal loans and quick loans. The starting point for a loan is at R1 000 and can reach up to R1 million. The repayments on loans differ and are based on the installment you can cope with. Little loans will have short term payment period, while large amounts will mean structured payments. You have from 1 month to 72 month installment to settle. Loan4debt as a registered credit provider, it functions under the law of the country to provide good interest rates. The loan is amount is open for any type of usage. Having the power to borrow R1 million, this can be used for purchasing real assets for growing a business. However it is not limited to business only but a personal loan.


  • Flexible repayments on large amount of credit.
  • Registered with National Credit Regulator.
  • Interest rates are affordable.
  • Business loans open for companies.


Loan4debt applications are done online. The site has an easy to follow online form and there is no clutter. Online security is very high and your information will be handled in the highest most confidential manner. All credit institutions in South Africa give out loans to 18 years and older persons. You must have a basic salary or R3 000 or more. Working full time is a prerequisite. You will be required to have the following documentation for loan application:

  • A South African Identity Document book or card
  • Pay slips not older than 2 months
  • Have a valid working Bank account not older than 3 months
  • Produce residential address
  • A working cellphone number for contact
  • CK documentation (for Business loans)
  • Cash Flow Statements (for Business loans)

Quick processing of the application is what Loan4debt specializes in. In less than 24 hours you will have a response. When you are successful with your application, within 15 minutes of loan approval you will have cash in your bank account.


If you need more information on loan application and interest rates or repayment of personal loan you can contact Loan4debt during office hours between 9 am and 5pm. However you can make an online application at any time of the day and get a reply in 24 hours.

Website :

Phone Number : 087 654 4152

WhatsApp : 072 987 1355


119 Booysens Reserve Rd, Theta, Johannesburg South, 2091

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