Pick n Pay Credit is a recently launched a loan facility offered by Pick n Pay. Financial shortages that come up when unexpected are truly an inconvenience. This inconvenience can eat up even the little money left for weekly or monthly groceries. Pick and Pay Credit is designed to help you through a difficult month and put money in your hands. You can purchase groceries with it or just use it to take care of any situation.

Pick n Pay has retail outlets through the country, meaning you can access the credit facility in a location near you.

About Pick n Pay loans

Pick n Pay smart shopper card is the requirement to have access to the loan. Smart shopper card customers will benefit from this service. With this card you can loan out R1 000 up to R40 000. You can choose how long to repay the loan, which can vary from 24 to 36 months. This option will is meant to make sure that you afford the repayment without extra financial pressures.

Want to know more about what Pick n Pay Credit Card has to offer?

Pick n Pay Credit has a great advantage and it will greatly benefit its customers. One of these benefits is that customers have a 55 days interest free period. Another great feature is, customers will have R200 discount from the first purchase if its R500 or more.

The card is accepted in all Pick n Pay stores across South Africa, this also includes Pick n Pay Hyper, Clothing, Pharmacy and Liquor Stores.

When using the card at Pick n Pay, you will not be charge any transaction fees. The card comes with an option of three secondary cards that you can give your loved ones for shopping. These secondary cards are also accepted in any Pick n Pay. They are a great idea when traveling or on holiday.

The cards have a high security feature. Every time a purchase goes through, you will get a notification through SMS or email. Statements will also be sent through SMS or email. So you can track your shopping.

How to can get credit from Pick n Pay…

Application process for the Pick n Pay is relatively not complicated. You just have to visit the website at  www.picknpay.co.za  and through this you can apply online. If you do not have access to the internet just visit any of their shop near you. Ask for the application form at the money counter. After filling it in you can leave it with one of the consultants. You will be contacted as soon as possible.

Another method of application is to call the following number: 0861 555 955 or SMS “PnP to 30087.

To qualify for a personal for Pick n Pay credit:

  • Applicant must be 18 years and older
  • Applicants need to be a South African citizen living in the county, and not planning to migrate
  • Applicants must have a valid South African Identity Document (ID) card or book.
  • Applicants must have an active bank account with debit order services.
  • Applicants must have a minimum salary of R2 000 per month.

Pick n Pay loans

Pick n Pay loans contact details

Website: www.picknpay.co.za
Phone number: 0861 555 955
For more details on Pick n Pay Credit visit their website. If internet is a problem then you can call them.  Don’t forget that you always visit any of their stores and seek help from one their consultants.

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