When you are in a financial emergency you need loan fast. You don’t have time to sit in line at a bank and go through the drama of having to sign one paper after another. Also you will not have time to drive around looking for a good credit provider. When you need cash, the quicker it comes, the better. The best solution is to have a credit provider that has the latest technology to help you access the loan quicker than the most. Rand Loan 24 is such a credit lender.

About Rand Loan 24

Rand Loan 24 is a registered cash lending company that has a cutting edge method for loan provisions and processing. The computer has an automated software to select the best possible loan option for you based on the information you provide when applying for a loan. All applicants go through credit checks before obtaining the loan. This means approvals are based on credit score. The credit checks are in line with the National Credit Regulator recommendations.

Rand Loan 24 services

With Rand Loan you can apply for a cash loan from as little as R500 to a large amount of R3000. The amount you request will be in line with your financial ability to repay the loan. You will not be approved for what you can’t afford. If you are a new user to the website, you will be entitled for 30% discount fee on interest. Repayments of the loan stretch to 35 days and management fee is R50 for a R500 loan.
rand loan 24

  • Automated selection process that is very fast
  • 30% discount on new users
  • Registered with the Credit Regulator
  • Very Transparent

Rand Loan 24 Application
As stated, the technology used is state-of-the-art for a credit lender. This means you will have a quick response as there is no paper work to go through. The process is automated. You will need to be working for approval, also you have to be 18 years or more. Your information will be secure. The following documentation will be required:

  • A copy of your South African ID book or Card
  • Produce the most recent pays lip
  • Produce the recent bank statements not 3 months older
  • Provide a proof of residential address

The information you sent will be checked and verified. Once all is clear and you qualify for the credit you requested, Rand Loan will contact you within 24 hours. You will get the money and it will be transacted into your bank account between 24 -48 hours. That is quick especially when looking for a fast loan.

Technology is a big part of the lender, you its website is simple to use. You won’t get lost or miss a step as you fill in your details on the online application form. When you have the funds, do remember to pay the loan within the agreed time frame.
For more details or if you have any questions you can call during office hours. You can also visit the website and apply online.
rand loan 24

Rand Loan 24 contact details

Phone number : 065 518 5767
Email : info@panfinance.com
Address: 377 rovonia Blvd,Sandton,Johannesburg
You can use our finance calculator or apply for a loan.

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