How do I get an affordable loan? Is there minimum or maximum money I can loan out? How is the loan amount determined?  What will my installment be and the interest rate? Is my credit rating checked before I get a loan? These may be questions confronting you when seeking a loan for the first time. Also those that want to borrow a different type of a loan. Showtime Finance has you covered. These are valid question and need a clear answer. The questions will be answered.

Showtime has provided urgent access to credit to South Africans. Even people that are usually denied loans by traditional banks. It focuses on the financial needs of the customer and tries to have the best deal. You can always expect great customer service from highly trained employees.

About Showtime Finance loans

Showtime Finance is a credit provider. You can loan from as little as R500 to as much as R250 000. It offer loans to anyone, this also includes blacklisted people .

Showtime Finance has an affiliation with lot of credit providers and loan brokers. This means when you apply for a loan. The affiliates of Showtime will be contacted and be presented with your loan request. The best deal will be picked for you.  Serving our customers is at the core, getting best loans is the focus of the business. You can read reviews by our customers on Hello Peter.

Showtime Finance Services

The following are the products on offer for you:

Emergency loan (Over 90 days). This is best used for financial needs that arise like a medical procedure.
Micro Loans (From 4, 6 and 12 months) this type is best suited for vehicle repairs, home improvements.
Long Term Personal Loans (Repayment over 24 – 72 Months) this type is best used for consolidation purposes.

However you can loan any amount you require and use it for the immediate need you have.
These loans have a maximum interest rate of 28%. All interest by Showtime loans complies with the National Credit Act. Applicants will be evaluated on their credit profile. If your profile is a highly risky one then the interest rate will be connected to that. Meaning your interest will be a bit higher.

Application – Here’s how to apply for Showtime Finance loans

First and foremost, all applicants but be working and earning a monthly income. Showtime Finance has a web based platform. You can apply by visiting the website and filling an online application form. If you don’t have access to the web, you can contact Showtime Finance by phone.

You will need to present the following documentation or have these details:

  • A South African Identity Document (ID) book or card
  • Banking details
  • Up to date pay slips
  • Provide proof of residential address

The application will go through the checking procedure. When you qualify you will be contacted and money will be sent to your account.

Showtime Finance Contacts

Website :
Contact Number: 021 825 5454
To inquire more about Showtime Loans you can call them and one of the consultants will attend to your questions. You can also visit the website for more information or application.
You can use our loan calculator or apply for a loan.

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