A car does not just represent luxury and convenience but it represents dire necessity in a country like South Africa. Most people need a car not only to make it on time to work but to make sure that if their work consists of a lot of travelling to and fro the office; they have quick and reliable transportation to do so. Though a car may be a necessity to have unfortunately it is not easily attainable die to the expense of purchasing and maintaining a car not to mention insurance. Car finance may not be a viable option but that’s where Cars 4 Everyone comes in to rescue you from that dead end you thought you’d reached.

About Cars 4 Everyone

Cars 4 Finance is your go to guy, your middle man, your life saver when it comes to the arrangement of negotiating car finance for you. The company facilitates all information between yourself and the car owner and an agreement will be reached between you and the car owner through this great company. When you are approved with the company you can expect to receive your vehicle within a matter of days and the car will be in your use as though it was yours.

With this great offer you will have the car knowing that you can have it as your own once you have paid it off; until then it belongs to the owner. Mutual and Federal Insurance is the company’s insurance provider and your car will come with one of the world’s best insurance cover all inclusive. Not only will you get insurance but you will also have the peace of mind in knowing that your car will have tracking device installed in it 24/7/365. Your car will be fully serviced with these great offerings from the company giving you a complete and holistic service.

Services and benefits for Cars 4 Everyone

  • Quick and easy online application.
  • Rent your car to own it.
  • Mutual and Federal Insurance cover.
  • NetStar tracker.
  • Attorney from Geyser and Coetzee.
  • All from R5 000 per month.

Remember that in order to apply for a car you will need to provide the following documentation in order to be considered for a rental:

  • South African ID
  • 3 months bank statement
  • Proof of residence
  • Recent payslip
  • Be employed by the same employer for 3 months or more
  • Be 18 years of age or above
  • Be in the possession of South African bank account

Now you can own the vehicle of your dreams or a vehicle that you desperately need to make sure that you are mobile so that you can skip the long queues of the busses or taxis. Enjoy getting to work on time without having to wake up 4 hours before your shift starts. You can go run your errands seamlessly while you take care of everything else timeously. Be mobile and stress free today with a simple click of your finger or you can call the company today and they’ll be more than happy to assist you.

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