Getting a cash loan has never been this easy! With a personal loan from Cube Finance; you can make all your dreams come true through the use of their various financial products. You can consolidate your debt, renovate your home and finally get that marble kitchen counter; you could go on holiday and get to see the Niagara Falls or plan your dream wedding. You have all of these opportunities in the palm of your hands with Cube Finance. What you want to do with your personal loan is all up to you. The application process is quick and easy. You as a valued client can get a cash loan of R1 500 to R150 000.
About Cube Finance
Cube Finance works in collaboration with a number of partners and since 2009 they have made it their number one priority to eat, sleep, walk and talk consumer protection by studying it and practising it which lead to them becoming the masters of consumer protection against financial institutions and simultaneously build very strong relationships with credit providers. Cube Finance has developed intricate financial products to help you get the cash that you need as soon as possible. The services that they offer their clients are as follows:
My Loan Lenders – Cube Finance
Looking for good and reputable credit provider can be quite the nightmare as there are so many institutions out there and how do you know which one is legit and which one is not? Well with Cube Finance you can forget about stressing and say hello to efficiency and professionalism. Simply provide Cube Finance with your personal information and they will send your application to numerous credit providers simultaneously on your behalf.
You as a client can then choose which the loan that best suites you and your financial needs. The loan amount, interest rate and other administration fees are strictly at the discretion of the credit provider. The benefits are just so great with this service. The application process is fast and easy and gives you access to a number of credit providers, no paperwork is required and you’ll even get a response on the very same day that you apply.
My Credit Report – Cube Finance
Your credit score is not a guarantee that credit providers will or will not approve your loan application however it can assist you in understanding how your credit score influences credit providers. A higher score means you are more likely to be approved for your a loan and a lower score means that some credit providers may be sceptical in approving you the loan however; should your credit score be low or you are indeed blacklisted; do not be discouraged to apply because Cube Finance’s credit network is made up of institutions that cater to those who are blacklisted. With this service you will be in control of your portfolio, manage and change any unnecessary information and keep track of any changes in order to increase your score.
My financial wellness – Cube Finance
As a client you may experience some difficulty and with this service from Cube Finance you have access to free telephonic or electronic consultations. You can consult with one of their financial counsellors to assist you going forward. We ensure that we build a relationship with you and that you never feel as though you are just a number. With this service you can take control of your finances, get professional and legal assistance, improve your credit score and have access to legal support should the need arise.
Cube Finance requirements
- South African ID.
- Recent Payslip.
- 3 Months bank statement.
- Proof of residence.
Address: 3 Crozier Street, Stellenbosch, 7600
Open times: Monday to Friday from 08:00-17:00
Tel: 021 882 8353 021 882 8353