Getting a credit card is something to definitely because it has so many benefits that will bring a lot of convenience to your life making sure that your life is just that much more comfortable along with the management of your finances. The world waits to be explored by you with your credit card in hand. Get the most amazing rewards when you use your credit card on purchases and even on travel with flights and accommodation rewards and benefits. Use the Discovery Credit Card and get rewarded in a multiple of ways that you never even imagined you could. Getting a Discovery Credit Card should be a priority if you want to enjoy premium benefits.

The Discovery Credit card has a one of a kind benefit where you as a card holder can have access to premium live events 48 hours before the rest of the public does. This means that when the announcement of a celebrity coming to South Africa is made; you can get tickets to the event 48 hours before the tickets are released for public consumption. Discovery is driven by their determination to make the lives of their clients convenient in their shopping habits.

The Discovery Credit Card is jam packed with different types of rewards for different types of spending. The great part about the card is that there are a number of areas where you as a card holder can earn rewards which means you can earn many rewards for the many different ways you shop. The following are the different ways in which you can earn rewards with your Discovery Credit Card:

Earn Discovery Miles

The most rewarding way to shop is with Discovery Miles. If you want to earn Discovery Miles you all you have to do is swipe your card with every purchase that you make. The more you swipe your card the more miles will be added to you. For every R15 that you spend you will earn 1 mile and 10 miles is the equivalent of R1. You can earn these miles when you shop at stores such as just to name a few:

  • bp
  • Clicks
  • Dischem
  • Takalot
  • Pick n Pay
  • Nandos
  • Shell
  • Ticketpro

Spend Your Miles

You can also spend the miles that you have earned at any store that has partnered with Discovery such as the ones above, you can use the miles to pay for online shopping or even for your next holiday.

Get your tickets first

As noted above you can be first in line to get yourself a ticket to a premium event before 48 hours before tickets go on sale to the public.

Earn Cash Back

With the Discovery Card you can use it to book your next holiday with Discovery’s travel partners and get yourself up to 20% cash back straight into your wallet.

There are five different categories that you can sign up for with the Discovery Credit Card and they all come with distinguished packages according to their Vitality Status:

  1. Blue Status: 1x
  2. Bronze Status: 2x
  3. Silver Status: 4x
  4. Gold Status: 5x
  5. Diamond Status: 10x

The miles multiplier is based on the Vitality Status of yur credit card. Choose the one that is best for you today!

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